Amber for meditation and self-knowledge

Amber draws attention with its warm hues and effect, like a world captured in a drop of time. Many people use amber in meditation and self-discovery practices, believing that this unique natural fossilized resin has a beneficial effect and helps to connect with their soul.

The ancients considered amber to be a natural talisman capable of giving wisdom and prophetic visions. Even in the Middle Ages in Europe, there was a practice of divination by amber, when they peered into a transparent stone, trying to see signs and symbols.

When used for meditation, amber can help clear the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and induce feelings of inner peace
The ancient Greeks called amber "electron", believing it to contain the essence of the sun
It was used in amulets as a symbol of renewal and longevity. It was believed that the natural magnetic properties of amber have a harmonizing and calming effect. Modern crystal healers believe that amber helps to balance the energy systems of the body.
Amber is believed to activate the solar plexus chakra, which is responsible for confidence and inner strength. Read more about this in our article "Amber and Chakras".
The calming energy of amber can help unlock forgotten memories and provide insight into your behaviors, relationships, and life cycles
Regular meditation with amber increases self-awareness and acceptance by releasing negative energies stuck in the body. This can be of great benefit for spiritual and emotional growth. When used for meditation, amber has a calming and balancing effect, opening up spiritual insights and pathways to greater self-discovery. The more you work with amber, the deeper your meditations and self-understanding can become.

Energy Recovery Meditation

  • 01Make yourself comfortable in a seated position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.
  • 02Holding an amber stone in your hands, start focusing on its energy. Feel the warmth emanating from the stone.
  • 03When you hold the amber, imagine a bright yellow light flowing from the stone to and up your hands. This golden light fills your body with vitality and warmth. It fills your chest and spreads to every organ, muscle, bone and cell. Feel how the golden light cleanses your body of any tiredness, exhaustion or energy drain.
  • 04The warm, radiant light of amber activates your inner vitality and strength. Feel your body and mind recharge and rejuvenate. Your energy levels are up and your inner light is bright again.
  • 05Continue to inhale the golden energy of amber. Notice how energized, alive, and rejuvenated you feel. Your body vibrates and your inner flame is rekindled.
  • 06When you feel ready, open your eyes, still holding the amber in your hand. Thank the amber for sharing its healing and energizing golden light with you. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, release all excess energy to the ground for reuse.
  • 07Place your amber in a safe place and know that you can connect with its life energy whenever you need an energy boost. The more you practice, the stronger your bond will become.

Wear amber jewelry

Wearing necklaces, bracelets or other jewelry is an easy way to benefit from its life-giving energy throughout the day. Amber will radiate its energy into your subtle energy fields, enhancing your vitality and well-being. Baltic amber is ideal for this purpose.

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